How to Get Over the Fear of Cataract Surgery

How to Get Over the Fear of Cataract Surgery

Going in for surgery can be scary, no matter how safe the operation is.

Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures, and it’s very effective at correcting the blurry vision problems that come with cataracts. It’s one of the only options for people with severe cataracts, which is why many doctors suggest cataract surgery to their patients.

However, if you’re going in for cataract surgery soon, you may feel anxious, scared, or nervous. Don’t worry – this happens to everyone, and there are many ways to overcome the fear.

In this article, we’ll discuss what happens during cataract surgery, answer some key questions about the procedure, and go into a few tips to help you overcome fear and anxiety.

Let’s get into it!

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

If you’re feeling anxious about your upcoming cataract surgery, it’s best to try to understand what happens during the procedure. Once you understand exactly what happens during cataract surgery, rest assured that you’ll feel much more relaxed when you go into the doctor’s office.

Before anything, your doctor will ask you to go into a consultation. This is to get a grasp of your condition and to determine whether cataract surgery is the right treatment option for you. They may also discuss alternative treatment options for certain conditions.

Once they determine if you’re a good candidate for cataract surgery, the doctor will then conduct a painless ultrasound measurement of your eyes. That way, they can determine which artificial lens to place in your eye.

When you go in on the day of the surgery, the procedure begins by placing eye drops to dilate your pupils. Your doctor may also ask you to place anaesthetic eye drops in your eye so that you don’t feel anything during the procedure.

From there, the doctor may make a tiny incision on your eye. This allows them to access the cataracts and break them down with an ultrasound probe. Alternatively, the doctor may break down the cataract with a femtosecond laser, which doesn’t require any incision.

After they break down the cataracts and remove the residue, the next step is implanting the intraocular lens. This is an artificial lens that replaces your natural lens. When a cataract forms, your natural lens gets cloudy and blocked. So, doctors have to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear lens to improve your vision.

Once they’ve installed the new lens in your lens capsule, you’re good to go. You may have impaired vision right after the procedure and may have trouble performing daily tasks for a few days. This is why you may need some assistance while recovering.

However, rest assured that your blurred vision will start clearing up in no time. Before you know it, you’ll start seeing clearly, and you can say goodbye to contact lenses and glasses forever.

Is Cataract Surgery Painful?

You will be completely anaesthetised during your cataract surgery. Doctors usually apply a local anaesthetic on your eye so that you don’t feel them breaking down the cataract and install the replacement lens.

On top of that, some doctors also offer controlled systemic sedation via an IV. This means you will be completely relaxed during the cataract surgery. So, you don’t have to worry about a painful or uncomfortable procedure if you go in for cataract surgery.

Getting Over the Fear & Anxiety of Going in For Cataract Surgery

Even if phacoemulsification cataract surgery is such a common procedure, it’s completely understandable if you have doubts or hesitations about the surgery. Going in for any medical procedure can be scary. However, rest assured that cataract surgery is completely safe, and you don’t have to worry about a high risk of complications.

That said, calming yourself down before the procedure is much easier said than done. So, here are a few great tips for getting over the fear before you get cataract surgery.

Understand the Procedure

Firstly, you need to understand the procedure. Most of the time, your cataract surgeon will explain everything they will do throughout the surgery. Again, cataract surgery is a very simple outpatient procedure. It’s a really common operation, so you can rest assured that your doctor can perform it safely.

How to Get Over the Fear of Cataract Surgery

Research the Numbers of Cataract Surgery

If you’re feeling anxious about the operation, we recommend researching the numbers behind the surgery. Generally, cataract surgery has a 95% success rate. This means that most patients that go into the operation get the desired results from the operation, and their cloudy vision is completely removed.

On top of that, the risk of complications with cataract surgery is very low, with only a very small amount of people reporting retinal detachment, swelling, inflammation, or bleeding.

Think About the Benefits

Even if you’re feeling nervous about the cataracts surgery, rest assured that it will be worth it. If you’re looking to correct vision loss and start going through your day normally, cataracts surgery is a great option for you. This will restore your normal vision and is a very low-risk procedure.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Your Doctor Questions

Your doctor is there to answer any questions about the risks and other complications of the surgery. For example, you can ask for more anaesthetic options besides numbing drops, tips to prevent infection, and even ask how you’ll feel as your eye heals.

Again, the more you know about what happens during the procedure, the better. So, when you’re at the doctor’s office for a consultation, don’t hesitate to ask them anything on your mind.

How Do I Know If Cataract Surgery Is Right for Me?

If you have cataracts and vision loss, you may want to consider cataract surgery. To learn if you’re an ideal patient for the procedure, contact your doctor for a consultation today.


Having a doctor replace your natural lens with a clear artificial lens is a pretty scary thought. However, rest assured that the entire procedure is common and safe. If you want to curb the anxiety and fear around cataracts surgery, make sure to go through the tips and tricks mentioned above!