Everybody’s CPAP adjustment is unique. While some people acclimatize to their therapy right away, others take longer to feel comfortable.
Here are some essential guidelines for utilizing a CPAP machine and mask while trying to get some rest:
Start your sleep therapy gradually
Remember that the goal is for therapy to become a crucial part of your health that you use every night. You can get cpap machines for best course of treatment for you right now, but you’ll only benefit from it if you use it regularly.
It’s crucial to become used to and feel comfortable with your CPAP machine. If you can, consider using your sleep aids while you are awake a few times during the day.
A great way to start is by using your CPAP machine while reading or watching television.
Verify your CPAP machine’s comfort
Most therapy problems start when your mask does not fit properly. If your mask does not fit properly, you can find it difficult to fall asleep as fast as you should.
Our CPAP machine will have adjusted all of your equipment’s settings to suit your sleep apnea needs, but you may need to make a few small tweaks to your mask.

To improve comfort and the seal, you may adjust your mask during the day. Start by donning your mask and either standing or sitting in front of a mirror. Then, make any adjustments necessary to improve comfort. After making any required changes for comfort, attach your mask to the CPAP machine tube. Lay down after which turn on the machine. Since your face shape changes while you are lying down, this step is essential to ensuring that the seal and comfort remain present. On certain sleep apnea devices, the “Mask Testing” feature may be used to check the seal and comfort. If not, it would be a good idea to test the seal and comfort at a 10cmH2O CPAP pressure. If, after making small adjustments to your mask, you are still having trouble obtaining a comfortable seal, you may need to contact us to have the fitting of your mask checked.
Establish healthy sleeping practices
You must first enhance your sleep hygiene in order for your sleep therapy to be as successful as feasible. Therefore, before starting sleep therapy, make sure you are following good sleep hygiene. Why is this important? This requires making sure that your daily activities, rituals, and practices are all conducive to providing you regular access to sound sleep.
You may improve your sleep hygiene by making a few little modifications to your routine and outlook.
The following suggestions may help you practice better sleep hygiene:
- Keep an eye on your physique, your body’s internal clock can reliably determine when you’re ready for bed. Pay close attention to it, please!
- For instance, go to bed when your body signals that it is sleepy rather than waiting until you are physically exhausted. (See the part after this one for further details.)
- Get a good mattress and pillow to help you sleep better, and if you like to sleep on your side, look for pillows with certain designs that will make it simpler for you to use your CPAP machine.
- The temperature in your bedroom should be between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius, and it should be dark, quiet, and comfortable.
- If you can’t handle the noise or brightness in your room, consider purchasing some earplugs and eye masks.
- Avoid social vices like beer, coffee, and phones before going to bed. These factors might all make it more difficult for you to obtain a good night’s sleep.
Don’t go to bed until you’re completely worn out.
It’s important to just go to bed when you’re exhausted, as was said in the part above. When starting sleep therapy, this is also true.
If you go to bed when you don’t feel tired, you may not be able to relax. When something new and unpleasant, like a cpap machine, is installed, you could have a very difficult time falling asleep. If you worry about your mask and machine too much, you can have difficulties falling asleep.
Decompress before going to bed.
If your mind is busy, racing, or worried, it will be tough to fall asleep immediately away. You could begin to question your ability to fall asleep after you add your therapy tools and mask.
An hour or two before going to bed, do a few relaxing activities. Because we are all unique, follow your gut and do what seems right.
Consider taking a bath (the rise, then fall in body temperature promotes drowsiness)

Take a break by reading a book, watching TV, or practicing some relaxation methods.
Avoid engaging in stimulating or stressful activities, such as working or discussing your feelings. These kinds of activities may cause the body to produce the stress hormone cortisol, which has been associated to enhancing alertness. 6. If you often carry your anxieties to bed, try writing them down and putting them away. Additionally, avoid exercising just before bed.
Use the Ramp setting on your CPAP machine.
There is a parameter on our computers called “Ramp.” Once you are in bed and wearing your mask, turn on your machine. If the air pressure from your machine appears too high and you are having problems falling asleep, utilize the “ramp” option.
In ramp mode, your device will begin with a low air pressure and gradually increase to a greater air pressure over time. As a consequence, you should be able to fall asleep before the air pressure reaches the correct level.
Breathe in to go to sleep
Ideally, you will be at peace and worn out by the time you go into bed. Breathing exercises are the last thing to try at this time. The Sleep Foundation has a brief breathing practice that might help you relax and go to sleep.
Switch it off before going to bed.
If you use technology, such as texting, emailing, or browsing social media soon before bed, you could remain up longer at night. Even viewing television has been shown to promote alertness and mental activity, the exact opposite of what is needed to fall asleep.
All gadgets should be shut off an hour before bed. Your body and mind will benefit from this as you get ready for a restful night’s sleep.
Remember that it usually takes some getting accustomed to sleeping with a CPAP machine and mask. Take it easy on yourself. If you heed the aforementioned advice, you will have a good chance of finding success with your sleep remedy.